Classroom Practices Library

Research in a variety of disciplines demonstrates that when learning environments are designed to promote a sense of belonging and support learning, students are more likely to take advantage of campus resources and persist through challenges, ultimately helping to close outcome gaps by group membership. This collection of evidence-based, field-tested resources draws on this research base in social psychology, educational psychology, and brain science, along with feedback from students, instructors, and staff to provide practical recommendations for steps that instructors can take in their courses to increase equity in students' experiences of their learning environments, promote engagement, and support academic success.

On this page, you will find the resources organized by foundational practices and expanded practices.

To view these same resources organized by the experience they address, see these Practice Categories

Getting Started

Growth Mindset & Belonging Foundations

The following resources provide an overview of research and best practices pertaining to belonging and growth mindset – two of the key practice categories informing the library.

Foundational Practices

Practices to Promote Equity in Students' Experiences & Outcomes

Evidence-based approaches that, when used together, can help instructors to design a course that promotes equity in students’ experiences and outcomes in its structure and content throughout the term.

Expanding Your Practices

Practices to Foster Belonging & Connections

Approaches that build on the Foundational Practices section of the practices library to provide additional approaches that can be used to support connections in the classroom and further promote feelings of belonging.

Practices to Promote Academic Engagement & Growth

Approaches that build on the Wise Feedback Framing Statement resource to provide instructors with additional recommendations for providing critical feedback and opportunities for reflection in a way that promotes student engagement and learning.

Practices for Creating & Sustaining an Inclusive Classroom Environment

Approaches that build on the Ensuring Classroom Identity Safety resource to provide additional recommendations for creating a classroom environment where all students feel valued, respected, and as though they can reach their full potential.


Authors: Krysti Ryan, Katie Boucher, Christine Logel, Mary Murphy.

The Classroom Practices Library was developed by EA, with feedback and collaboration from university partners, for the Student Experience Project.

(© 2024) Copying, reproducing, or monetizing this resource without express permission from the Equity Accelerator is prohibited. Email with any questions.

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